Implementation Details
Grant-funded Equipment and Services
Each building will choose two staff members per school to serve as trainers. District affiliate trainers participate in eMINTS blended train-the-trainer professional development (provided by eMINTS staff) and deliver eMINTS comprehensive professional development to teachers involved in the project. Two years of affiliate trainer professional development consists of:
Teacher Professional Learning
Face-to-face and virtual professional learning programs are provided for 7th and 8th grade core area teachers – math, language arts, science, social studies, and some special education teachers. Training consists of:
Building Principal Professional Learning
Each building principal will participate in the eMINTS Administrator program. In the spring semester of the year prior to grant implementation we will meet virtually with principals to assist with planning for technology infrastructure, choosing affiliate trainers, onboarding of staff, and integration of eMINTS into existing programs. The two years of professional development for principals includes:
- Chromebooks for each 7th and 8th grade student, each teacher in the study, affiliate trainers and building principal
- Virtual coaching system with camera and cloud storage
- Innovation Lab equipment including 3D Printer, video production and science probeware
- Stipends for teachers and district affiliate trainers in the study ($20.00/hour includes benefits)
- Travel reimbursement to state-wide meetings, affiliate trainer PD sessions and administrator PD sessions
Each building will choose two staff members per school to serve as trainers. District affiliate trainers participate in eMINTS blended train-the-trainer professional development (provided by eMINTS staff) and deliver eMINTS comprehensive professional development to teachers involved in the project. Two years of affiliate trainer professional development consists of:
- 71.5 hours of face-to-face PD, distributed across 11 days
- 36 hours of virtual sessions, delivered as 6 sessions per year
- 1 onsite visit per year by eMINTS staff to observe, consult, and collaborate with affiliates
- Monthly support calls with eMINTS staff
- Statewide conference (1 day)
- Certification and badging with completion of a portfolio demonstrating application of the program and 80% attendance in professional development hours
Teacher Professional Learning
Face-to-face and virtual professional learning programs are provided for 7th and 8th grade core area teachers – math, language arts, science, social studies, and some special education teachers. Training consists of:
- 140 hours of professional development (40 hours of face-to-face PD and 30 hours of online PD each year)
- Face-to-face sessions occur at the school and are led by district affiliate trainers
- One full day statewide kick-off session
- Online sessions are subject-specific with teachers participating with other teachers of their subject area in an online community. eMINTS staff facilitate online sessions.
- A minimum of 14 in-class visits from district affiliate trainers over two years
- Statewide conference (1 day - spring of year 2)
- Certification and digital badging upon completion of a reflective portfolio demonstrating application of the program and 80% attendance in professional development hours
Building Principal Professional Learning
Each building principal will participate in the eMINTS Administrator program. In the spring semester of the year prior to grant implementation we will meet virtually with principals to assist with planning for technology infrastructure, choosing affiliate trainers, onboarding of staff, and integration of eMINTS into existing programs. The two years of professional development for principals includes:
- 2 face-to-face training sessions
- 6 virtual sessions (3 per year)
- Yearly site visits and classroom walkthroughs with an eMINTS staff member
- Participation in 8 hour design cycle with building teachers and trainers (spring of year 2)
- Statewide conference (spring of year 2)